Supporting Seniors

One Page Profiles

Duration: 0.5-1 Day

One-page profiles are invaluable tools for teams working with seniors as they provide a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of an individual's unique needs, preferences, and aspirations. These profiles play a pivotal role in personalizing care and support, enabling teams to deliver services that are truly tailored to each senior. By condensing important information into an easily accessible format, one-page profiles foster efficient communication among team members, helping ensure that everyone involved in a senior's care is on the same page. Additionally, they empower seniors to have a voice in their care plans and decision-making, promoting a sense of dignity and self-determination. This approach not only enhances the quality of care but also strengthens the relationship between seniors and their caregivers, fostering trust and respect. One-page profiles are instrumental in promoting person-centered care, which is not only beneficial for the seniors themselves but also contributes to a more cohesive, effective, and supportive caregiving team overall.


Customizations and additional travel costs can be discussed and charged at time of booking.