Housing and Homelessness

Person Centered Intensive Case Management

Duration: 2-3 days

Person Centered Intensive Case Management ensures that people are truly listened to and kept at the forefront of all decision making: How service is commissioned, provided and organized which helps people have positive control over their life. Frontline Case Managers will go from crisis-oriented work to intentional service delivery. Specific strategies and tools designed to give workers the means to engage in difficult conversations and support others to the highest level of interdependence.


This training may cover the following topics and can be tailored to your program's needs (including virtual training):

·Housing First Core Principles
·Person Centered practices, strategies, and tools
·Trauma informed care and practices
·Defining roles and responsibilities for each member of the team
·Harm Reduction
·Assertive Engagement
·Risk assessment for participant and team
·Crisis planning
·Home visits as a targeted intervention
·Service Planning and Targeted Intervention
·Person Centered Case Conferencing
·Landlord Engagement
·Peer Engagement
·Community Integration


Customizations and additional travel costs can be discussed and charged at time of booking.